Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Printing printer spreads with InBooklet SE
In PageMaker, the Build Booklet plug-in lets you create publications in which pages are arranged
for printing multipage spreads. In InDesign CS2, the InBooklet SE command (File menu) lets
you create printer spreads for professional printing. The term
printer spread
refers to two or more
pages that fall next to each other on a sheet of paper. For example, if you’re working on a 20-page
booklet, the pages appear in sequential order in the layout window in InDesign CS2. However,
in a printer spread, page 4 is positioned next to page 17 so that when the two pages are folded
and collated, the pages end up in the appropriate order. The process of creating printer spreads
from layout spreads is called
InBooklet provides five types of imposition: 2-up Saddle
Stitch, 2-up Perfect Bound, 2-up Consecutive, 3-up Consecutive, and 4-up Consecutive.
InBooklet lets you arrange the pages of an InDesign CS2 document into printer spreads.
Exporting documents or books to Adobe PDF
Both PageMaker and InDesign CS2 let you export PDF files. In addition, InDesign CS2 can
export documents in XML, SVG, JPEG, and InDesign Interchange (.inx) formats. (You can
use the InDesign Interchange format to save InDesign CS2 documents that can be opened by
InDesign CS.) You can create interactive PDF files in InDesign CS2 by adding hyperlinks, movies,
sound files, and buttons to documents. (Note: The InDesign Interchange format lets you save
InDesign CS2 documents for use in InDesign CS.)
Exporting an InDesign CS2 document or book to PDF is as simple as using the default [Press]
settings or as customized as you need it to be to suit your task. The PDF export settings you
specify are saved with the application and apply to every new InDesign CS2 document or book
you export to PDF until you change them again. To quickly apply custom settings to PDF files,
you can save settings as PDF Export Presets.
You can export a document, a book, or selected documents in a book as a single PDF file, which
can preserve InDesign CS2 navigation elements, such as hyperlinks, table of contents entries,
index entries, and bookmarks. You can also copy content from your InDesign CS2 layout to the
Clipboard and automatically create a PDF file of that content. This feature is useful for pasting a
PDF file into another application, such as Illustrator.