Human NIBP Nano
Owner’s Guide
Regulatory Symbols
Devices manufactured by ADInstruments that are designed for direct
connection to humans and animals are tested to IEC60601-1:1998 or
IEC60601-1:2005 (including amendments 1 and 2) or EN61326-1:2006, and
carry one or more of the safety symbols below. These symbols appear
next to those inputs and output connectors that can be directly connected
to human subjects.
BF (body protected- floating) symbol.
This symbol means that
the input connectors are suitable for connection to humans and
animals provided that there is no direct electrical connection to the
heart and provides basic protection against electric shock over B
rated applied parts.
Warning symbol.
The exclamation mark inside a triangle means
that the supplied documentation must be consulted for operating,
cautionary or safety information before using the device
CE Mark.
All front-end amplifiers and PowerLab systems carry the
CE mark and meet the appropriate EU directives.
Further information is available on request.
Refer to booklet symbol.
his symbol specifies that the user
needs to refer to the Instruction manual or the booklet associated
with the device.
Date of Manufacture/ Manufacturer’s name symbol.
symbol indicates the date of manufacture of the device and the
name of the manufacturer
WEEE directive symbol.
Unwanted equipment bearing the Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive symbol
requires separate waste collection. (See disposal section at the
end of this chapter)