Human NIBP Nano
Owner’s Guide
Performing the Height Correction
The next step is to apply the height correction procedure. This should be
performed before attaching the HCU unit to the volunteer.
1. Hold the HCU transducer and the reference point at the same level
(Figure 2–14).
2. In the
NIBP HCU and test
dialog click
to zero the HCU.
3. In the Settings dialog, a message will appear confirming that the
HCU has been zeroed. Click
in this dialog to proceed.
The HCU transducer should then be attached to the finger cuff using the
Velcro provided, and the Reference end attached at heart level. Once
zeroed, the HCU pressure is negative if the hand is below heart level, and
positive if the hand is above heart level.
This off set is stored in volatile memory and will no longer be available if
the Human NIBP Nano Interface is powered off . The same holds true if the
HCU is disconnected and later reconnected, or if LabChart is shut down
and then restarted.
If an error message advising that the HCU “Zero failed” appears, follow the
instructions to repeat the zeroing process. Comments such as “HCU not
zeroed” or “HCU not connected” will be inserted into the LabChart data
file if the zeroing process has not been successful.
Figure 2–14
Zeroing the HCU.