Human NIBP Nano
Owner’s Guide
To wrap a fi nger cuff around the fi nger:
1. Open the finger cuff just enough to be able to see the LED and
2. Place the finger in the cuff such that the LED and photocell are
symmetrically placed on each side of the finger’s soft parts in the
center of the middle phalanx.
3. Lead the cuff cable and air hose in between two fingers to the back
of the hand to reach the Wrist Unit.
4. Make sure the finger cuff is placed centered between two knuckles,
touching each knuckle.
5. Wrap the finger cuff tightly for best performance. The finger cuff s
are designed in such a way that correct wrapping is almost natural.
Check that it is not easy to rotate the finger cuff aft er application. A
common mistake is to not wrap the finger cuff tight enough.
6. Run the cuff cable and air hose between the fingers and insert into
the Wrist Unit, which is worn on the wrist (see Figure 2–4 on page
7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for a second finger.
Connecting the Finger Cuffs to the Wrist Unit
1. A cuff cable connector and an air hose connector connect each
finger cuff to the Wrist Unit. It is easier to connect these
aft er
finger cuff has been applied to the finger.
2. The Wrist Unit has attachment points for two finger cuff s, C1
and C2, which permits finger cuff switching for longer duration
3. If you are using a single finger cuff , attach it to C1. Do not attach
a second finger cuff to the Wrist Unit to avoid risk of accidental
inflation and damage to the finger cuff .
Before making a measurement
Ensure the proper finger cuff size is selected by using the guide (see Figure
2–8). If in doubt, choose the smaller size finger cuff . It is a common mistake
to wrap a cuff not tightly enough around a finger. In particular, application
of white (small) cuff s to small fingers requires some skill.
To obtain good transmission of pressure from the air bladder to the
underlying tissues, both sides of the air bladder should just make contact
with one another, as shown in Figure 2–9 on page 20.