Human NIBP Nano
Owner’s Guide
1. Connect the Human NIBP Nano Interface to a grounded AC power
supply using the power cord provided, then power the unit ON.
Check the installation
To check the soft ware and driver installation, ensure the Human NIBP
Nano Interface is connected to your computer and powered on. Launch
LabChart by double-clicking on the LabChart icon on your Desktop.
On start-up, LabChart performs a device discovery process. It should
automatically detect the Human NIBP Nano Interface device. If a dialog
like the one shown on the left of Figure 2–2 appears, click
Device Scan
repeat the device discovery process. Once the Human NIBP Nano Interface
is found, click OK to launch LabChart.
If this dialog persists, check that the Human NIBP Nano Interface is
connected to your computer and powered on. See “Troubleshooting” for
further information.
Open a new document such as the ‘Human NIBP’ settings file provided
for you. This is located in the Getting Started tab of the Welcome Center,
which appears when LabChart opens.
Figure 2–1
LabChart icon
Figure 2–2
Human NIBP Nano
Interface not found
by LabChart.
Figure 2–3
Getting Started tab of the
Welcome Center.