ABB i-bus® KNX
Valve output
This parameter is used to define how the valve output is used.
Depending on the valve drive parameterized, the control values received from the internal controller or
via the bus (
ABB i-bus® KNX
) are converted into the corresponding output signal.
More information: →
Thermoelectric (PWM)
The control value is converted to a PWM signal.
The following dependent parameters are shown:
Valve drive operating principle, de-energized
Valve drive opening/closing time
Send status values [valve output]
The following dependent group objects are displayed:
Open/close signal
The control value is converted to an On/Off signal. If the value set in the parameter
value greater than or equal to
is reached, an On signal is output.
The following dependent parameters are shown:
Valve drive operating principle, de-energized
Open if control value greater than or equal to
Valve drive opening/closing time
Send status values [valve output]
The following dependent group objects are displayed:
The valve output is deactivated.
Prerequisites for visibility
• The parameter is in the parameter window
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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