ABB i-bus® KNX
Parameter window Valve output X
The basic settings of this valve output can be specified in this parameter window.
Fig. 19: Parameter window Valve output X
This parameter window includes the following parameters:
Valve drive operating principle, de-energized, Page 142
Open if control value greater than or equal to, Page 104
Valve drive opening/closing time, Page 104
Send status values [valve output], Page 121
Send cyclically every, Page 146
Enable manual valve override, Page 96
Purge cycle in weeks, Page 118
Reset purge cycle from control value greater than or equal to, Page 119
Send value of group object "Status valve purge", Page 138
Prerequisites for visibility
• The parameter window is in the parameter window
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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