ABB i-bus® KNX
Electromotor or Thermoelectric Valve Drives can be connected to the device when pulse width modula-
tion is used.
• Control value: 20 %
• Cycle time: 15 minutes
The valve is opened for 3 minutes (0.2 × 15) and closed for 12 minutes.
Fig. 29: Pulse width modulation – example
Continuous control
Continuous control is the most accurate type of temperature control. At the same time, the positioning
frequency of the valve drive can be kept low. Continuous control can be implemented with 3-point elec-
tromotor valve drives via 1-byte activation.
With 1-byte activation, the room thermostat specifies a value of 0 … 255 (corresponding to 0 …
100 %). The valve is closed at 0 % and fully opened at 100 %.
With continuous control, the actual and setpoint temperatures are used to calculate a control value to
set the ideal temperature. The valve is moved to a position corresponding to the calculated control
value. The valve can be fully opened, fully closed or put in any intermediate position.
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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