Operation and Maintenance
Aastra 415/430 as of R3.2
syd-0344/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
E-mail successfully sent
The system has now successfully sent an e-mail.
Meaning of the parameter values in
Tab. 101
Cause/action=0000, e-mail cli-
ent, additional information,
date, time
ESME reachable
The LAN connection between the SMSC and
the ESME is now available
IP address, date, time
ESME unreachable
The LAN connection between the SMSC and
the ESME is interrupted
IP address, date, time
Ethernet activated again
The overload on the Ethernet interface no
longer exists. The interface has been reacti-
Date, time
Ethernet deactivated due to
high load
The system has detected an overload on the
Ethernet interface. The interface is temporarily
Date, time
External event message desti-
nation not reachable
External signal destination not automatically
Cause (0: Busy /1: Not available
/2:(not used), 2: Barred /3: not
defined), date, time
External event message desti-
nation reachable
External signal destination is now reachable
Date, time
Fan failure
The fan is jammed or defective or the connec-
tion is no longer making contact.
• Parameter = 0: No more fans in operation.
Risk of overheating: Replace defective fan.
Parameter, date, time
Fan in operation
The fan is back in service again after a failure.
• Parameter = 0: Fan back in service again.
Parameter, date, time
FIAS command buffer full
The command buffer to the PMS interface is
Date, time
FIAS interface usable again
The command buffer to the PMS interface is
back below the critical limit.
Date, time
G.729 Codecs within the
licence limit again
Free G.729 codecs are once again available for
Date, time
Inactive radio unit port
Radio unit not responding
Reason: 0: Startup running, 1: Not registered,
2: Various nodes, 3: Port not permitted, 4: Local
power supply, 5: Not connected, 6: Port reset,
7: Startup error, 8: Unknown error
Card number, port number,
radio unit ID/reason, date, time
Incompatible PMS applica-
The external hotel management system (PMS
application) is not suitable for communicating
with the communication server.
PMS SW version, PMS interface
version, PMS interface driver
version, date, time
Insufficient bandwidth
An user in an AIN is trying to set up a connec-
tion and the bandwidth currently available
with the WAN link is insufficient.
Link ID, WAN link name, availa-
ble bandwidth in Kbit/s, date,
Internal event message desti-
nation not reachable
Local output blocked or not available
Cause (0: Busy /1: Not available
/2:(not used), 2: Barred /3: not
defined), date, time
Internal event message desti-
nation reachable
Local output available once again
Date, time
Event / error message
Trigger condition