System Overview
Aastra 415/430 as of R3.2
syd-0344/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
Application example
• Busy indicator
• Group functionality
• Networked CTI solution
• Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
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ISDN interface
Aastra 400 supports the ISDN protocols ETSI, DSS1 and QSIG. Besides the possibility
of networking various systems into a PISN (Private Integrated Services Network) via
the ISDN interface, these protocols also provide various functions that can be used
for connecting external applications (e.g. IVR systems, fax server, voice mail sys-
tems, unified messaging systems, DECT radio systems).
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The Aastra 400 communication server is configured via the web-based WebAdmin
application. Other components of the application include special accesses for hos-
pitality and hotel solutions as well as a configuration wizard.
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System monitoring
The system status is monitored with event messages which can be sent to various
internal or external destinations like printer, server, e-mail recipient, etc. Event mes-
sages are also accessible via the Open Interfaces Platform for application manufac-
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Call logging
The Call Logging Manager includes data acquisition for incoming traffic (ICL), out-
going traffic (OCL) and the counting of the acquired call charges according to a va-
riety of criteria. The data can be retrieved via different interfaces and subsequently