Operation and Maintenance
Aastra 415/430 as of R3.2
syd-0344/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
Terminal power
supply: Within normal range
The power supply to the terminals is back in the
normal rated output range following a slight,
preceding overflow.
Date, time
The communication server
has been restarted
The communication server was restarted man-
ually or automatically due to an error.
Date, time
The licence limit for Aastra
Dialer has been reached
Aastra Dialer could not be linked to a user
because too few licences are available.
Total purchased licences, date,
The licence limit for Aastra SIP
terminals has been reached
An Aastra SIP terminal is unable to register or
use the video functionality because there are
too few
Aastra SIP Terminals
Aastra Video Ter-
licences available.
Parameter 1=1: Missing
SIP Terminals
licence, parameter
2=1: Missing
Aastra Video Ter-
licence, parameter 3=3:
Max. number of licences, date,
The licence limit for BluStar
clients has been reached.
A BluStar was unable to register because there
are too few licences for this client type.
Parameter 1: 0 (not used)
Licence type: 0 and 1: (not used), 2: BluStar CTI,
3: BluStar softphone, 4: BluStar video option,
5: BluStar Presence Option
Parameter 1, licence type, total
purchased licences, date, time
The licence limit for CSTA ses-
sions has been reached
An application is unable to set up a CSTA ses-
sion to monitor/check a terminal because there
are too few
CSTA Sessions
licences available.
Max. number of licences, date,
The licence limit for Dual
Homing has been reached
A SIP phone in the Aastra 6700i/6800i series has
attempted to register on a backup communica-
tion server and not enough licences are availa-
This event message is generated by the backup
communication server.
Date, time
The licence limit for G.729
Codec has been reached
An attempt was made to set up a G.729 connec-
tion, but there are no free G.729 codecs availa-
ble at present.
Max. number of licences, date,
The licence limit for SIMPLE/
MSRP has been reached
A third-party application wishes to use the
MSRP and/or SIMPLE protocol for a user, but
not enough licences are available.
Date, time
The licence limit for standard
SIP terminals has been
A standard SIP terminal is unable to register or
use the video functionality because there are
too few
SIP Terminals
Video Terminals
Parameter 1=1: Missing
SIP Ter-
licence, parameter 2=1:
Video Terminals
parameter 3=3: Max. number of
licences, date, time
The licensing limit for the
maximum number of users
has been reached
If in WebAdmin the 37.
Aastra 470 Expansion
licence is in place.
Date, time
The maximum number of
users is within the licence limit
Aastra 470 Expansion
licence is now availa-
ble or the number of users has been reduced to
Date, time
Event / error message
Trigger condition