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User Manual 3000SP
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1.1 of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
EPS Mode
: (Enabled/Disabled).
Working mode:
in order to minimise exchanges with the grid, the correct mode will be “Automatic Mode.”
DRMs0 Control
(or Logical Interface): must be disabled.
CTpv Scale Factor
→ Single-phase configuration
→ Three-phase configuration
CT Direction
check the blocking status of the CTs.
Battery type
: check if the battery model on the display is consistent with the batteries installed.
Battery capacity
: the system will show the total capacity of the batteries:
Pylontech 1 → 50 Ah;
Pylontech 2 → 100Ah
Pylontech n → n x 50Ah
WeCo 1 → 86 Ah;
WeCo 2 → 172Ah
WeCo n → n x 86Ah
Depth of discharge:
check the depth of discharge values set in On-grid and EPS mode.