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User Manual 3000SP
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1.1 of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
appliances). Do not connect all the domestic utilities to the LOAD output, as this would compromise duration
and operation of the EPS mode; in particular, certain loads, such as the electric motors of some pumps, may
require inrush currents much higher than those tolerated by the inverter, causing a power failure.
The EPS function requires an AC power meter (2NC + 2NA double-switchover contactor) to be installed in
the system, which is not included in the kit of the storage inverter, and can be purchased separately from a
retailer that sells electrical equipment. Install this contactor (see the diagrams and images shown in figures
31 and 32) according to the diagram shown in figure 31, so as to connect the critical loads and electrical grid
coming from the import/export meter to the normally closed input, and the critical loads and LOAD input of
the storage ’ inverter to the normally open input. In this way, the critical loads will normally be powered by
the grid, like any other domestic utility, while in the event of a blackout, the meter will switch its input so
that the critical loads will be powered directly by the batteries.
The procedure for connecting the LOAD input to the inverter terminal board is identical to that for
connecting the GRID port shown in section 4.3, with the only difference being that the phase, neutral and
ground cables must be connected to the port marked LOAD.
For more information, please consult the specific procedure available at
Figure 14 – Diagram of the AC power contactor with 2NC + 2NA double-switchover
Figure 15 – Front and top view of the power contactor; connecting the contactor inside the system