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User Manual 3000SP
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1.1 of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Figure 77 - Irregular communication status between inverter and Wi-Fi
Check the Modbus address set on the inverter:
Enter the main menu with the ESC key (first key on the left), go to System Info and press ENTER to
enter the submenu. Scroll down to the Modbus address parameter and make sure it is set to 01 (and
in any case, other than 00).
If the value is not 01, go to “Settings” (basic settings for hybrid inverters) and enter the Modbus
Address menu where the 01 value can be set.
Check that the Wi-Fi adapter is correctly and securely connected to the inverter, making sure to
tighten the two cross-head screws provided.
Check that the Wi-Fi symbol is present in the top right-hand corner of the inverter's display
(steady or flashing).
Figure 78 – Icons on the display of LITE single-phase inverters (left) and three-phase or hybrid inverters (right)
Restart the adapter:
Press the reset button for 5 seconds and release
After a few seconds, the LEDs will turn off and will start to flash quickly
The adapter will now be reset without having lost the configuration with the router