InZennio Z41
Tecnical Support:
if instead of the sending of a binary value, the sending of a scene
value has been parameterised, only one checkbox and one time selector
will be shown, so the user can enable/disable the sending of the scene
value and, if enabled, set the desired time.
Time Selector: let the user set the time at which the automatic sending will
take place.
Hence, at the specified time on the days selected by the user, the bus will be
automatically sent the corresponding value through the
[Pn][Bi] Weekly
Timer Control
object (in the case of sending a binary value) or through the
[General] Scenes: Send
(in the case of sending a scene number). In
both cases the
[Pn][Bi] Weekly Timer Enabling
binary object will be
available, making it possible to disable (by sending the value “0”) or to enable
(value “1”) the execution of the timed sending set by the user. By default,
timed sending is always enabled.
in case of disabling a sending through [Pn][Bi] Weekly Timer
Enabling, the corresponding box will show the “forbidden” icon, although the
box will not lose the configuration previously set by the user
Finally, this function offers the following parameters in ETS:
Timer Type
: switches between “1-bit value” (default option) and “Scene”.
Scene Number
: shown only after selecting “Scene” for the above
parameter. This field defines the number of the scene (1-64) that will be
sent to the bus on the execution of the timed sending.
the execution of user-defined timers is triggered on the detection of
state transitions, even if the clock does not specifically pass through the
specified time. In other words, supposing one timed sending of the value “ON”
at 10:00h am and one timed sending of the value “OFF” at 8:00h pm, if the
internal clock is set to 9:00h pm just after 10:00h am (and therefore after
having sent the value “ON”), then the “OFF” order corresponding to 8:00h pm
will take place immediately after the time change.