InZennio Z41
Tecnical Support:
updated on user presses) so it receives the value 100% when the shutter is
completely down, and the value 0% when it is totally up. On their side, control
orders will be sent through one of the two remaining objects:
Orders to move the shutter up/down (completely) are sent through
Move Shutter
after a long press on the corresponding button. Value “0”
represents the move up order, while “1” represents the move down order.
Orders to perform a step movement (value “0” for steps up and “1” for
steps down) are sent through
[Pn][Bi] Stop Shutter
after a short press on
the corresponding button. If the shutter was already in movement, these
orders are interpreted by the actuator as a stop order.
h) Lighting Control
The lighting control function permits making use of the two buttons in the box to
send orders to a light dimmer, either through a binary object or through a 4-bit
object. Moreover, the box will permanently display the current value of the
dimming status object, which needs to be linked to the analogous object from
the dimmer (as it does not get automatically updated on button presses).
Figure 51
Lighting Control
The parameters available are:
: sets which of the two buttons will send the “turn on” orders and
which the “turn off” orders. Options are “Left Off, Right On” (default) and
“Left On, Right Off”.
Dimming Step
: sets the increase or decrease in the light level (in terms of
percentage) the dimmer must perform with every step order. How step
dimming works is detailed below.