CoolSculpting® Elite
System User Manual
Treatment Stopped by System
If the system detects a condition that requires operator intervention, the system stops the treatment.
The treatment clock stops at its current time and displays “STOPPED.” An error message identifies the
problem and provides guidance, including an error code.
Example: S
creen when treatment is stopped by the system for Dual treatment
A: Error text
B: Error code
C: STOPPED notice
To respond to a stopped treatment:
a. Follow any instructions displayed on the screen.
Look up the error code in Chapter 4 System Messages and follow any recommended actions for
the error.
b. Tap
. The prompt displays the instruction: “Turn the vacuum OFF. Remove the applicator
from the patient.” The S150 applicator does not have the vacuum feature.
c. Go to task 9 of the treatment procedure (“End the treatment”) and follow the instructions from
there until the end of the treatment procedure.