IM 12A06S01-00EN-P
7.1.8 Unit conversion
• Temperature unit
The temperature can be set in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). If the unit is changed by the
HOST, the following values are also recalculated automatically to the new unit:
o Manual temp.
o Reference temp.
o Temp. coefficient
o Temp. ranges in the matrix
7.1.9 Calibration settings for Conductivity/Resistivity
For calibration it is needed to set acceptance limits, see Appendix 8 for details. Settings
have to be done by HOST system.
Limits and timing
o c.c. High/Low limits:
During calibration, it is checked if the new c.c. exceeds these high and low limits.
o Step Range:
Set the range over which the stability of a measured value is checked. If variations of a
measured value over the stabilization time are within this set value, the measured value is
judged to have stabilized.
o Stabilization time:
During calibration, the stability of the measurement value is constantly monitored. When
variations of the measurement value during this stabilization time are within a value set
in Step Range, the value is regarded as being stable. If the measurement value does not
stabilize within the time set for stabilization (default 5 seconds), the calibration procedure
is aborted.
o Calibration interval:
Set the interval in which a new calibration must take place. If the interval set here is
exceeded, the SA11 will notify according to the setting in “Calib. time exceeded” in the
error configuration.
Standard solution (buffer) select
Calibration is made using standard calibration solutions. Yokogawa recommends the
standard buffers directed by DIN 53-779 for highest accuracy: 1.000M KCl, 0.100M KCl,
0.010M KCl and 0.005M KCl.
The standard buffer solutions can be found in Appendix 5.
7.2 Communication setup
The SA11 is a slave device communicating with a HOST system using MODBUS protocol.
For correct communication the following settings can be made:
MODBUS address
The MODBUS address (Slave ID) is default set to 1, but can be set by HOST system to
another address in between #1 and #247.
Serial profile
MODBUS is an application layer messaging protocol which provides client/server
communication between devices connected on different types of buses/networks. The
SA11 is able to communicate with two predefined serial profile settings, to be selected by
the HOST system, which is default set to 1:
1. 9600 bps, 8 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit
2. 19200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 stop bits