IM 12A06S01-00EN-P
3.3.2 Slope
The SLOPE is the calibrated efficiency of the sensor unit as a percentage of the theoretical
slope of the sensor unit. The theoretical slope follows the NERNST equation and is
59.16 mV/pH (at 25ºC). The SLOPE can be calibrated only after a two- or a three point
calibration in buffer solutions with a different pH value. A low slope indicates that the sensor
is not clean or is faulty.
The SLOPE can also be displayed as mV/pH at 25ºC. Settings can be done with the
Yokogawa HOST system, for details see the belonging User’s Manual.
Figure 3.1: Zero/slope example
3.3.3 Impedance
The SA11 can measure the condition of the electrodes connected. This is done by
measuring the electrical resistance, and this can be either high-ohmic or low-ohmic.
If the impedance measurement is set as high-ohmic, the measurement is used for glass
break detection. The detection limit is set automatically by the sensor characteristics.
In case the impedance measurement is set as low-ohmic, the measurement is used for
fouling and dry fall detection. Detection limits to be set by Yokogawa HOST system.
The SA11 impedance measurement depends on the device type and connected sensor.
• SA11-P1 type in combination with a pH sensor with Liquid Earth (LE) element:
The SA11 measures both the electrical resistance of the high-ohmic glass membrane
electrode and the electrical resistance of the low-ohmic reference electrode liquid
junction. The liquid junction forms the electrolytic contact between the liquid earth and the
reference electrode. It must be kept clean and filled with conductive electrolyte otherwise
the measurement will suffer from instability, drift and measuring errors.
• SA11-P1 type in combination with a pH sensor without Liquid Earth element:
The SA11 measures only the electrical resistance of the high-ohmic glass membrane
• SA11-P2 type in combination with a pH sensor with Liquid Earth element:
The SA11 measures the electrical resistance of the two high-ohmic glass membrane
In cases where a Liquid Earth is suitable for ORP measurement, the impedance value
is based upon the electrical resistance of the low-ohmic reference. For an ORP-pH
compensated measurement the impedance value is based upon the electrical resistance of
the (high-ohmic) glass membrane reference.
pH7, 0mV
Theoretical value
-mV Calibration curve (slope)