IM 12A06S01-00EN-P
shield wire of the WU11 type -S cable (wire #82) can stay connected to the (pre-defined)
ground terminal at the HOST.
In combination with Host who does not have grouding terminal to still meet the statutory
regulations it is necessary to ground either the SA11 enclosure (e.g. by using the option /
UM) or ground the shield of the cable. An example is shown in figure 2.6.
Select a YOKOGAWA parameter specific sensor equipped with an ID-chip which is suitable
for the process. When all wiring is completed, turn on the power of the HOST system. Part
of the setup of the SA11 will be done automatically by reading the content of the ID-chip of
the sensor. These are sensor characteristics, factory calibration data, customer calibration
data, diagnostics and loggings of calibration and events. For details refer to the SA11 Smart
Adapter User’s Manual. Other setups have to be done by the YOKOGAWA HOST system,
for details see the belonging User’s Manual. If the system is configured incorrectly, an error
indicator may be displayed, or the measurement values displayed may be incorrect. Refer to
the User Manual of the HOST system how to check the initial settings and change them to
suit your purpose.
3.1 SA11 quick setup
Select a Yokogawa pH/ORP electrode equipped with an ID-chip which is suitable for the
process. When connected to the SA11 and powered, part of the setup of the SA11 will be
done automatically by reading the content of the ID-chip of the sensor. These are sensor
characteristics, factory calibration data, customer calibration data, diagnostics and loggings
of calibration and events. See section 4 and 5 for details.
Other setups have to be done by the Yokogawa HOST system, for details see the belonging
User’s Manual.
3.2 Measurement setup
3.2.1 Parameter setting
The SA11 measures and calculates process parameters, for details see section 4.
The suitable measurement parameter(s) for display and process control can be set by the
Yokogawa HOST system, for details see the belonging User’s Manual.
3.2.2 Temperature setting
The SA11 measures process temperature in Celsius (ºC) or Fahrenheit (ºF). Setup of the
temperature unit is done by the Yokogawa HOST system, for details see the belonging
User’s Manual.
3.3 pH/ORP zero, slope and impedance
3.3.1 Zero
The ZERO is the calibrated sensor offset in mV. Theoretically, the sensor reads 0 mV in a
buffer solution of pH7. The ZERO value indicates the condition of the sensor. The trend of
ZERO drift of the sensor is used to predict the lifetime of the sensor.
ZERO can also be displayed in pH units and then it represents the pH value where the
sensor output is 0 mV at 25ºC. Settings can be done with the Yokogawa HOST system, for
details see the belonging User’s Manual.