IM 12A06S01-00EN-P
Thank you for purchasing the SA11 Smart Adapter. Please read the following respective
documents before installing and using the SA11. The SA11 Smart Adapter only works with
Yokogawa sensors equipped with an ID-chip. If sensors without ID-chip are connected, all
calculated output data of the SA11 will be disabled.
When the FLXA402 or UM33A-S00 is used as HOST of the SA11 slave device, please refer
to the User’s Manual IM 12A01F01-02 or IM 05P09D21-01EN too.
For the general specifications of the SA11 please refer to the GS 12A06S01-00EN-(P).
The related documents are as follows.
General Specifications
Document number
SA11 Smart Adapter
GS 12A06S01-00EN-(P)
Available for
FLXA402 4-wire Analyzer
GS 12A01F01-01EN
UM33A-S00 Digital Indicator
GS 05P03D21-01EN
BA11 Active Junction Box
GS 12B06W03-01E-E
GS 01R01A01-01E
GS 12B06J09-01E-E
WU10/WE10 VP- and Ext. cable GS 12B06W02-02E-E
WU11 Interconnection cable
GS 12B06W02-03E-E
User’s Manual
Document number
SA11 Smart Adapter
Start-up Manual
IM 12A06S01-01Z1-(P)
Attached to the product
SA11 Smart Adapter
User’s Manual (English version) IM 12A06S01-00EN-(P)
Available for download
SA11 Smart Adapter
User’s Manual (Japanese version) IM 12A06S01-00JA-(P)
Available for download
FLXA402 4-wire Analyzer
Start-up Manual
IM 12A01F01-01EN
Attached to the product
FLXA402 4-wire Analyzer
User’s Manual
IM 12A01F01-02EN
Available for download
UM33A-S00 Digital Indicator
IM 05P09D21-11EN
Attached to the product
BA11 Active Junction Box
IM 12B06W03-01E-E
Attached to the product
WU11 Interconnection cable
IM 12B06W02-03E-E
Attached to the product
WU10/WE10 VP- and Ext. cable IM 12B06W02-02E-E
Attached to the product
The “E” or “EN” in the document number is the language code for English version,
the “JA” indicates the Japanese version and the “Z” indicates it is a multi-language
Downloads can be done from: https://www.yokogawa.
You can use the QR-code for quick-access.