IM DLM3054-01EN
If the statistical processing mode is set to Cycle or History, the measurement location cannot be displayed.
Reference Level for Automated Measurement (Ref Levels)
Sets the reference level that is used to measure various parameter values such as High, Low, Hi-Low, Rise, and
Fall for each source waveform.
Selects the unit used to set the reference level (Distal/Mesial/Proximal).
• %
Assuming the High and Low values to be 100% and 0%, respectively, you can set the distal, mesial, and
proximal values to any percentage.
• Unit
You can set the distal, mesial, and proximal values to any voltage.
Distal, Mesial, and Proximal (Distal/Mesial/Proximal)
You can set the distal, mesial, and proximal values. If you set the reference level mode to Unit, specify values
that are within the range of the voltage source waveform.
How to Determine the High and Low Values
Selects how the instrument determines the 100% (High) and 0% (Low) levels of the measurement source.
• Auto
Sets the high value to the high amplitude level and the low value to the low amplitude level based on the
voltage level frequency of the source waveform in the time range taking into account the effects from ringing,
spikes, etc. This method is suitable for measuring square waves and pulse waves.
• Max-Min
Sets high and low values to the maximum and minimum values in the time range. This method is suitable for
measuring sinusoidal and saw waves. It is not suitable for waveforms that have ringing and spikes.
• Histogram
Sets the levels of the two highest frequencies on a histogram to high and low. This method is suitable for
waveforms whose maximum frequency of a given level is extremely high compared to frequencies of other
levels, such as in a rectangular waveform.
12 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters