IM DLM3054-01EN
Statistics (Statistics)
Display the following five statistics on the automated measurement values of waveform parameters. Statistics
can be calculated on up to nine automatically measured items.
• Maximum (Max)
• Minimum (Min)
• Mean (Mean)
• Standard deviation (σ)
• The number of measured values used to calculate statistics (Count)
The following types of statistical processing are available.
• Normal statistical processing (Continuous)
• Statistical processing for each period (Cycle)
• Statistical processing of history waveforms (History)
If 10 or more automatically measured items are selected, the instrument displays the first 9 items in ascending
order by channel number and in the order that the items appear in the automated measurement item selection
menu (Max, Min, ..., +Over, −Over, ..., Freq, Period, ..., and Delay).
When CH1: Max, Min, High, Low, CH2: Max, Min, High, CH3: Max, Min, High are selected, the following items
are displayed: CH1: Max, Min, High, Low, CH2: Max, Min, High, CH3: Max, and Min
You can view or load the statistics of other items in the following way.
• Increase the number of rows (Max Rows) outside the waveform area in the system settings (System
Configuration) to show the items on the screen.
• Load the items into a PC using the communication feature.
• Save the statistical items as automated measurement values of waveform parameters, and load the data
into a PC.
Statistical Processing Mode (Mode)
Set the statistical processing mode to one of the settings below.
• OFF: Disables statistical processing
: Normal statistical processing
: Statistical processing of measured values for each period (cyclic statistical processing)
: Statistical processing of history waveforms
Normal Statistical Processing (Continuous)
While acquiring waveforms, the instrument calculates the statistics of the waveforms that it has acquired so far.
The number of measured values used to calculate statistics (Count) is equal to the number of waveforms that
have been acquired up to that point.
If you stop waveform acquisition and restart it, or if you add another automatically measured item during
waveform acquisition, the Count value is reset to 1.
Restart (Restart)
Resets the statistics calculated up to that point. You can only use this feature when the mode is set to
Statistical Processing Setting When the Trigger Level Changes (TrigLevelChange)
When the mode is set to Continuous, select whether statistical processing should be reset when the trigger level
is changed during waveform acquisition.
• Restart: Count is reset to 1, and statistical processing restarts.
• Ignore: Statistical processing continues without being reset.
12 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters