IM DLM3054-01EN
Display Source Window (Time Range)
Set the display and measurement range source window to one of the settings below.
Main: Main window
Zoom1: Zoom1 window
Zoom2: Zoom2 window
Display Area (T Range1/T Range2)
Sets the start point (T Range1) and the end point (T Range2) of the display and the measurement time period.
Selectable range: ±5 divisions with the center of the target window taken to be 0 divisions.
Measurement (Measure Setup)
Configures settings for cursor measurement and area calculation.
Disables measurement.
Cursor Measurement (Cursor)
You can display two cursors on both the X and Y axes and measure with them simultaneously.
• Vertical cursor
You can measure the X-axis values for Cursor1 and Cursor2. You can set the cursors in the range of ±4
divisions in 0.01-division steps.
• Horizontal cursor
You can measure the Y-axis values for Cursor1 and Cursor2. You can set the cursors in the range of ±4
divisions in 0.01-division steps.
• Measurement Item (Item)
The instrument measures the values of the items listed below that you select.
X1: X axis value at Cursor1
Y1: Y axis value at Cursor1
X2: X axis value at Cursor2
Y2: Y axis value at Cursor2
ΔX: Difference between the X1 and X2 values
ΔY: Difference between the Y1 and Y2 values
Area (Integ)
Determines the total areas of the XY1 and XY2 waveforms. You can set the loop and polarity for each XY
• Loop
Sets the method of determining the area to Open (total trapezoidal area) or Close (total triangular area).
• Polarity
Selects which direction to make positive, CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise).
8 Displaying XY Waveforms