IM DLM3054-01EN
12 Automated Measurement of Waveform
For waveforms that are displayed on the screen, various measurement items (waveform parameters), such
as maximum and minimum values, can be measured automatically and their statistics can be calculated. The
enhanced parameter measurement feature allows you to automatically measure parameters in two areas (defined
as area 1 and area 2) and perform various calculations on the automated measurement values of waveform
Turning Automated Measurement On or Off (Mode)
Enables or disables the automated measurement of waveform parameters.
• ON: Enables automated measurement
• OFF: Disables automated measurement
Source Waveform (Source)
Selects the automated measurement source waveform. The available settings vary depending on the model.
CH1 to CH4/LOGIC (Bit0 to Bit7),* Math1 to Math4
* CH4 or LOGIC, whichever the corresponding key is illuminated, can be selected.
Measurements cannot be made on a snapshot waveform or an accumulated waveform that is not the most
recent waveform.
Source Window (Time Range)
Selects the window on which to perform automated measurement of waveform parameters.
• Main: Main window
• Zoom1: Zoom1 window
• Zoom2: Zoom2 window
Measurement Time Period (T Range1/T Range2)
Sets the start point (T Range1) and the end point (T Range2) of the automated measurement time period.
Selectable range: ±5 divisions from the center of the waveform area
Resolution: 0.01 div