K021 Instructions v1.0
Page 52
S12) Put a drop of shock oil over the shock
shaft – particularly over the threads at the
end – and insert the shaft into the top of
the shock body threads first. The oil helps
protect the o-rings as the shock shaft
glides through. Here too, Team drivers use
Green Slime on the threads instead of oil.
Repeat for the other shock.
S13) Open up the final pack with the shock ends and balls. Trim the shock
ends off their tree and pop the balls into place using a pair of pliers.
S14) Screw the shock ends onto the shock shafts. Be
careful not to mark or score the shock shaft: either
use a soft rag in the jaws of a pair of pliers, or as
shown carefully grip with a pair of wire cutters just
above the threads.