Manual 37135C
IKD 1 - Digital I/O Expansion Board
© Woodward
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Chapter 1.
General Information
The IKD 1 is an external digital expansion card that can be used alternatively with an upper level control unit
(e. g. GCP) or an PLC. The IKD 1 can read the status of 8 discrete inputs and transmit these via the CAN bus to
the higher level control unit. In the opposite direction the higher level control unit can control the 8 relay outputs
situated on the IKD 1 via the CAN bus.
Type designation of the IKD 1 as follows:
[S]..Vibration absorber
[M]..DIN-rail/rear panel mounting
IKD1M (standard unit for DIN-rail/rear panel mounting)
IKD1S (standard unit for vibration absorber mounting)
Intended Use
The item must only be operated for the uses described in this manual. The prerequisite for a proper
and safe operation of the product is correct transportation, storage, and installation as well as careful operation
and maintenance.
These manual have been developed for an item fitted with all available options. Inputs/outputs, func-
tions, configuration screens and other details described, which do not exist on your item may be ig-
The present manual has been prepared to enable the installation and commissioning of the item. On
account of the large variety of parameter settings, it is not possible to cover every possible combina-
tion. The manual are therefore only a guide. In case of incorrect entries or a total loss of functions, the
default settings can be taken from the enclosed list of parameters.