Manual 37135C
IKD 1 - Digital I/O Expansion Board
Page 22/41
© Woodward
CAN ID send config
[read-only via CAN]
ID for sending parameters
0 to 2,047
On this ID address the IKD 1 will send parameters via the CAN bus.
For Node ID
0 apply: ID = 768 + Node ID
Default setting: 1505
CAN ID receive upl-
[read-only via CAN]
ID for receiving parameters from a higher level control
0 to 2,047
On this ID address the IKD 1 will receive parameters from a higher level control unit
via the CAN bus.
For Node ID
0 apply: ID = 800 + Node ID
Default setting: 1505
CAN ID send upload
[read-only via CAN]
ID for sending of visualization masks
0 to 2,047
On this ID the IKD 1 will send visualization masks to the higher level control unit
via the CAN bus.
For Node ID
0 apply: ID = 832 + Node ID
Default setting: 1505
CAN baudrate
[read-only via CAN]
125/250/500 kBaud
With this baud rate the CAN communication will be driven.
Note: If the IKD 1 is working with a GCP please enter 250 kBaud here.
Default setting: 250 kBaud
If the IKD 1 is operated together with an MDEC, 125 kBaud have to be set here.
Mux send
MUX for sending of data
0 to 255
With the MUX different sending messages can be distinguished on the same Identifi-
Default setting: 1
Mux receive
MUX for receiving of data
0 to 255
With the MUX different receiving messages can be distinguished on the same Iden-
Default setting: 1
Rate to send (s)
Rate of sending
0 to 99.98s
The sending rate can be adjusted here. If you set "0" the unit does not send anything.
Default setting: 0.10s
(see below):
To enable the unit to send messages either the following parameter has to be set to
S/S Off or S/S+AUT or a start command has to be received via the CAN bus.