Manual 37135C
IKD 1 - Digital I/O Expansion Board
© Woodward
Page 15/41
CAN Bus Telegrams
Communication via the CAN bus is used to exchange data between components coupled to the CAN bus. Using
the CAN bus it is possible to cyclically output internal data. If configuration is proceeded using the D-1 parame-
ters are equal to the parameters of the full version of LeoPC1 (please note that the CAN IDs can only be read-
Identifier (ID)
The IDs can be configured. Please note that selected CAN bus specific parameters can only be changed using the
direct configuration interface (e.g. baud rate and IDs).
When setting the ID please make sure that no conflicts occur with other bus participants.
If you configure a Node ID
0 no other IDs have to be configured. All other IDs are automatically pre-
assigned and configuration as well as display of IDs is invalid thereby. The displayed IDs during confi-
guration are valid for Node ID = 0 !
6 transmit or receive message boxes are scheduled which IDs can be freely assigned at Node ID = 0:
receiving of data,
transmitting of data,
receiving of configuration messages,
transmitting of an answer to a configuration message,
receiving of uploads and
sending of uploads.
Additionally the unit reacts on start/stop messages on ID 0.