Manual 37135C
IKD 1 - Digital I/O Expansion Board
Page 24/41
© Woodward
Discrete Inputs
Phys. state
Physical state only
Attention! This parameter affects
................ Only the logical state of the inputs is forwarded to the CAN. (The set-
tings under function NC, tripping delay, enable delay, remote enabling,
self acknowledgement and remote acknowledgement are active). This
setting has to be selected when operating in connection with GCP.
.............. Only the physical state of the inputs is forwarded to the CAN. (The set-
tings under function NC, tripping delay, enable delay, remote enabling,
self acknowledgement and remote acknowledgement have no effect.)
This setting has to be selected for devices, which include this parame-
ters already e.g. easYgen.
Default setting: No
Function NC
[x = 1 to 8]
The discrete inputs can be triggered via a NO or NC input. A NC input allows to
monitor a wire break. A positive or negative voltage difference can be applied.
................ NO input
The discrete input triggers if voltage is applied.
.............. NC input
The discrete input triggers if no voltage is applied.
Tripping delay (s)
[x = 1 to 8]
Triggering delay
0.00 to 99.98 s
The triggering of a discrete input can be delayed by an individual time. If you enter
"0" the delay is smaller than 20 ms. To trigger the alarm the input has to be applied
for at least the time set here. If the voltage isn't applied during the whole period the
delay is re-started.
This delay is related to internal calculation times of the IKD 1. The time until a unit
coupled to the CAN bus reacts additionally depends on the runtime of the message
through the CAN bus. Therefore time critical messages should always been wired di-
rectly to the control unit GCP.
Enable delay (s)
[x = 1 to 8]
Reset delay
0.00 to 99.98 s
The reset of a discrete input can be delayed by an individual time. If you enter "0"
the delay is smaller than 20 ms. To reset the alarm the input has not to be applied for
at least the time set here. If the voltage is applied during the reset delay the delay is
Triggering of the input can be reset after this time.