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AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
The AM‑55 has two processing stages, the Intelligent Automatic Gain Control (
and Multiband Leveller/Compressor. Both are linked by DSP algorithms which logically
connect and control them. Under normal operation, both stages should be active. However,
for sonic reasons or because of outboard processing, there may be a need to defeat certain
stages. That can be accomplished by unchecking the options in the upper left corner of the
GUI. Both sections will be collectively discussed in one chapter rather than separately.
A Word About Outboard Processors and Rreevveerrbb
Several popular outboard broadband and multiband pre‑processors on the market have
been used in front of “all‑in‑one” processors to achieve one or all of the following:
• A different sonic texture than what is available in the main processor.
• The ability to bypass functions in the main processor (usually located at a trans-
mitter) and bring the “meat” of the controls to the studio end for endless tweaking
• Compensation of a poorly designed AGC in the main processor.
• Overdrive protection for an STL path
• Encode level enhancement for ratings encoders.
We believe that the amount of control in our AM‑55 GUI allows the user to virtually
set the AM‑55 to whatever sonic texture they can think of, eliminating the need for an
outboard processor to emulate the same.