page 3 – 9
AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
At this point all of the dots including and between the first two dots may be individually
adjusted up or down. If you now place the mouse over the same graphical area, right
click again and this time select
Group Adjusters
the points between the first two that
you highlighted will turn back to blue. If you then grab the line between these points
with the mouse again (left click and drag) you can move the entire line connecting the
two highlighted end dots up and down, with the two end points remaining anchored in
place. Cool, eh?
Right clicking on the graphical area and selecting
Group All Adjusters
all highlighted dots turning them blue again. Conversely, right clicking and selecting
UnGroup All Adjusters
turns all (remaining) blue points orange and they can now each
be individually adjusted. The Flatten function, although next in the list, is best explained
Highlight a single dot again … any dot will do. Then right click the graphical area
and select Proportional Drag
. Now left click any dot to the left or right of the dot you
highlighted and drag it up or down. See how the line behaves? It pivots at the point where
you highlighted the dot, and it bends at the point where you grabbed it with the mouse.
Virtually ANY curve can be created by following these steps. Now right click again and
this time select
Flat Drag
. Grab the line again… anywhere (left click and drag)… and
move it up and down. See how the line pivots at the highlighted point but remains flat
above or below it as you raise and lower the line?
After these exercises the line is probably all messed up. You want to put it back to
where it was or at least make it all flat again without having to move every single point
back, right? But how do you do that? It’s easy ... right click on the graphical area again
and select Flatten
. If there were any points still highlighted orange you’ll want to first
Group All Adjusters before you select Flatten
in order to turn them off. In any case,
when you finally click
the line will return back to flat and you may move it up
and down again with the mouse – this time as a whole.
To review:
Group Adjusters
– Gangs the
dots between two highlighted
points into a
commonly behaving entity.
UnGroup Adjusters
– Disconnects any
dots that were grouped by “Group Adjusters.”
Group All Adjusters
– Gangs all the dots, turning them
, regardless of their previous
highlighting state.
UnGroup All Adjusters
– Un‑gangs the adjustment dots and turns them
, regardless
of any previous highlighting.
– Flattens into a horizontal orientation any dots not set to orange.
Proportional Drag
– Allows the dragging of adjustment dots to create slopes anchored
if desired to a single orange set point.
Flat Drag
– Allows the dragging of dots together in a “flat” orientation.