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AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
The AM‑55 PC Graphical User Interface (or GUI) is an advanced user interface. This
GUI is designed to bring out all of the controls available to the user to adjust the sound
of the processor to fit the needs of the station and format.
This GUI expands on the basic adjustment controls that are found on the front panel
of the AM‑55.
The AM‑55 GUI allows you to adjust the processor and see, in real time, how it is
reacting to the audio being processed. All Wheatstone GUI’s have been carefully designed
so that no adjustment is more than two mouse clicks away.
The AM‑55 GUI software may control an unlimited number of AM‑55’s via a standard
Ethernet network. Utilizing TCP and UDP protocols, the GUI can be used to control these
AM‑55 devices from anywhere in the world as long as there is an Internet connection.
This includes controlling it behind firewalls, NAT routers and VPN tunnels.
Getting Started
The AM‑55 GUI is a Windows™ based program is designed to be intuitive and
straightforward to use. The GUI installer is supplied on the product CD as an executable
program. Though the GUI may be installed to any folder on the host computer, the default
path is: C:\Program Files\Wheatstone\AM55. After installation, the GUI can be started
by clicking on the AM55 item in the Windows Start menu.