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AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
Ordinarily, human voice looks like the waveform above. Notice how the width and
amplitude of the upper and lower signal peaks are different? This is “asymmetry,” and it
makes the processing of voice waveforms more difficult.
Human voice after
Phase Rotator
Human voice before
Phase Rotator
After passing through the Phase Rotator the same voice appears like the waveform
above. Now the upper and lower portions of the waveform have equal distribution. In the
process no sound is lost and no distortion is created. Only the signal’s phase relationships
are rearranged.
HPF – High Pass Filter
The High Pass Filter is used to remove inaudible and unnecessary subsonic
energy from the audio signal prior to it being processed. By removing this
energy, processing is cleaner and modulation energy is not wasted by trans-
mitting sounds that will not be perceptible to a listener.
The High Pass Filter has two operating modes:
– If the High Pass Filter box is not checked the High Pass Filter is
not enabled.
– If the High Pass Filter box is checked the High Pass Filter operating
mode is stereo and both left and right audio channels are treated equally by
the high pass filter frequency.
The left side of the lower portion of the GUI shows the
active INPUT metering in Left, Right, and L+R sum, as
well as the CLIPPING depth of the processor. The right
side of the lower portion of the GUI shows the relative
Positive and Negotive modulation, as well as the TX1 and
TX2 output levels.