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FM-55 / Aug 2014
General Information
Welcome to the Wheatstone AM-55 Digital Audio Processor. The AM-55 has been
carefully designed to deliver a clean and easy to listen to sound on the dial along with
very competitive loudness when that is the goal. The AM-55 expands on technologies
previously invented by Wheatstone, incorporates several new ones, and delivers that
“sought after” sound no matter what the market size. Like other Wheatstone processors,
the AM-55 has been carefully designed to not have a fixed sound of its own – the end
user can use the AM-55’s vast pallet of tools to create any desired on-air sound.
The AM-55’s processing algorithms have been carefully evaluated though many hours
of critical listening with a very wide range of program material. The AM-55’s processing
algorithms deliver amazingly clean, clear, and if desired, loud, on-air sound. Music sounds
like it was meant to sound. Voices are rich and full and without unnatural coloration or
distortion. Transitions between widely varying program elements are deftly handled, and
if desired, with no trace of “processing” during spectral balance and density corrections.
Remote control of the AM-55 is via a Windows-based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
software and can be accomplished via 100BaseT wired Ethernet. Up to four simultaneous
remote control sessions are possible. General Purpose Input/Output is provided on an
RJ-45 to interface to station systems.
The AM-55 utilizes an internal base sampling rate of 192 kHz. Higher sample rates
are used where it is beneficial to do so, such as within the AM-55 clipper. A 24-bit, 144dB
internal dynamic range signal path allows audio to be processed with extreme precision.
The front panel OLED screen permits convenient control of system and basic processing
setup parameters and sound controls.
Those wishing for remote or PC control over all parameters will appreciate our
full-control GUI. This GUI is available free of charge and comes on a CD that accompanies
this product or can be downloaded at
Wheatstone products are designed and manufactured in our Corporate Headquarters
in New Bern, North Carolina, USA. This large, state-of-the-art facility affords complete
control over product quality during every step of the design and manufacturing process.
In order to maintain the high product quality that Wheatstone has been known for, no
offshore manufacturing is utilized.
The following pages will help you get the AM-55 up and running as quickly as possible
without having to know a lot of techie stuff.
If during installation or setup you find that you need assistance or advice, please feel
free to contact our technical support folks at (252) 638-7000 or email us at: