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AM-55 / Sep 2015
WheatNet-IP Configuration
Along with Digital AES3 and Analog inputs AM‑55 is also equipped with WheatNet‑IP
(WNIP), the Audio Over Internet Protocol (AoIP) used in our Wheatstone BLADE and
IP audio network control surface environment. WheatNet‑IP permits AM‑55’s input
audio and its output to be carried over the same standard CAT5 Ethernet cable as that
used for remotely controlling AM‑55.
This procedure assumes that your facility is equipped with at least one Wheatstone
BLADE and the associated Navigator software. The BLADE used may even be the
multiband, eight processor “Aura8ip” processing BLADE whose physical inputs and
outputs (half analog, half digital) may even be used as a substitute for AM‑55’s physical
Open up WheatNet‑IP Navigator to gain access to AM‑55’s WheatNet‑IP‑associated
input and output signals.
Once the WheatNet‑IP Navigator software is open and you are logged into the
system we must create a new device for AM‑55. Because AM‑55 is not a “BLADE”
it appears and operates as a “peripheral device” within the WheatNet‑IP system. Our
Sideboard, an outboard mixer/controller for use with any BLADE’s pair of 8‑channel
utility mixers is one example of a peripheral device. Another example of a peripheral
device is Tieline’s Genie codec. These devices, while technically not BLADEs, can
interact with any WheatNet‑IP system and have signals routed to and from them. What
they lack, however, is the built‑in intelligence of an actual BLADE.
Adding AM-55 to The WheatNet-IP System
The first thing to do is click on Navigator’s System
Peripheral Devices tab (in previous
Navigator GUI versions this was the System 3rd Party Devices tab) which will open a
new window listing any third party devices currently present.
Clicking on the Add button opens a dialog where a new AM‑55 may be added to
the system. Here we will add the new AM‑55’s name, its hardware IP address, and tell
the system what BLADE will be its host. At this time we do not have to modify the
AM-55 / Apr 2016