page 3 – 34
AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
System Status
The system status shows you the current hardware
temperature (in degrees Celsius), the active input (indicated
by the “active” status), WheatNet‑IP info, and digital output
rate. The green dot next to the digital input indicates the pres‑
ence of an AES signal, whether that input is active or not.
The same applies to the analog input indicator. A green dot
indicates that audio is present on the analog side. The active
input is determined by the “(active)” indication to the right
of the input type.
In this example, the temperature of the unit is 36.7 C, the analog input has no audio
(indicated by the red dot) BUT the digital input has lock and is active (indicated by
the green dot and the “active” status). The incoming audio is at 44.1kHz. The WNIP
(WheatNet‑IP) host blade has an IP address of at a 44.1kHz sample rate.
The digital output rate is set to 44.1kHz as well and is active in WNIP (WheatNet‑IP).
Remote Login
When Remote Login
is clicked, a password prompt box will open as
shown on the left. There is no default password in the AM‑55. If you are
setting this up for the first time, you can skip the
Password part and just
enter the New Password and Verify the
new password.
Other options in this menu include
the ability for the PC to remember the
password for the processor, to hide the
password as you type it (with dots instead
of the actual characters) and the ability to
gang the password for both the processing
and output options.
When access is restricted, only the System tab will
be allowed to be viewed. If you try and access another
tab, you will be prompted to input the proper password
that covers the functions in that tab.
Front Panel
The AM‑55 front panel can be passcode protected if desired to prevent unauthor‑
ized access. The desired passcode can be entered either through the front panel
dialog (see Chapter 2, page 2‑10) or via a remotely connected GUI. The passcode must
be four characters long and use the digits 0 through
9, creating 10,000 possible passcode combinations.
The System screen of the software GUI is
equipped with a button labeled
Front Panel
. Clicking
on this button opens the dialog box shown, which
offers three front panel security options:
Disable Front Panel
– Clicking on this choice
turns off the ability to do all local front panel naviga‑