Device Description
750-636/000-x00 DC Drive Controller 24V/5A
Version 2.1.0
Inrush current max.
The inrush current can be maintained or
reduced by setting suitable start and
stop ramps. If the maximum inrush
current is exceeded, the driver short
circuit limitation takes effect in range 1)
and a shutdown occurs with the
"Overload" error message. In range 2),
temperature monitoring of the board
takes effect and a shutdown occurs with
the "Overtemperature" error message.
Figure 7: Start Current
On-time at PWM operation
(27,5 V / 5A at 25°C and 55°C)
If the on time is exceeded at the
appropriate ambient temperature, a
shutdown occurs with the "Overload"
Figure 8: On-Time
Short circuit current
65 A
Short circuit diagram
The peak value is 65 A. The cycle
duration of the chip pulsing is 140 μs.
Figure 9: Short Circuit Diagram
PWM frequency
20 kHz
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