Function Description
750-636/000-x00 DC Drive Controller 24V/5A
Version 2.1.0
Pos: 22 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1/Funkti onsbeschrei bung - Ü berschrift 1 @ 4\mod_1239025975389_21.docx @ 30003 @ 1 @ 1
Function Description
Pos: 23 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Funkti onsbeschrei bung 750-0636 @ 18\mod_1390898058849_21.docx @ 143428 @ 223322222223333332233233322 @ 1
Operating Modes and Drive Functions
The operating modes of I/O module 750-636/000-x00 (DC Drive Controller
24V/5A) permit the positive (MovePos) and negative (MoveNeg) movement with
position feedback and automatically approach a setpoint position.
When positioning manually, the optional PWM
can be changed during the
movement. The settings for Stop ramp, Stop ramp and CurrentLimit_PWM are
also valid here.
When positioning automatically, the I/O module can calculate the prestop values
itself with a switchable optimization function. A number of additional parameters
such as ShutDown_Distance, gear backlash compensation (Overtravel), variable
target window size, swing-back distance extension and the number retries
(Positioning_Retry) allow adaptation to the particular mechanical characteristics.
Preset Functions
Two different preset functions can be used to reference the drive.
Hardware Preset
A preset value can be specified via parameter; after enabling the preset input, this
value is assigned to its position when approaching the reference cam. Afterward,
the drive is stopped.
With the 750-636 I/O module, the reference can also be made from the Z input.
Software Preset
A second option is using the control to assign the setpoint value to the actual
The successful execution of the preset functions is returned via the I/O module
status. The bit 'Reference_OK' goes to logic 1. When running, this bit is reset to
logic 0 by subsequent events:
Restarting a preset motion
Failure of the field-side 24 V (with exception of the 24 V motor supply with
the I/O module 750-636/000-800)
Overflow or underflow of the actual position counter
Switchover over the analysis type of the quadrature encoder (1x, 2x, 4x
*PWM = Pulse Width Modulation