Argus Encoder Family Version 2.6 API Developer’s Guide
Suggested Reading
Suggested Reading
This manual assumes that you are familiar with ATL, COM, and C++ (or Visual
Basic) programming. For more information on these topics, we recommend that
you refer to the following publications.
ATL/COM References
Inside COM
, Rogerson; Microsoft Press. Recommended for COM introduction.
Covers COM programming explicitly from a C/C++ hard-core, low-level mode.
ATL Internals
, Rector and Sells; Addison-Wesley. This is an excellent reference
for ATL programming using Visual Studio 6.0. It includes very useful sections on
Smart Pointers, BSTRs, and events.
Grimes, Stockton, Reilly, and Templeton; WROX Press. This book
delves deep into the heart of the Active Template Library. Primarily deals with
server-side issues, but has some client code development considerations as well.
C++ References
The C++ Programming Language
, Stroustrup. This bottom line reference on the
C++ programming language is highly recommended for the serious developer.
Using Visual C++
, Gregory; QUE Publishing. A comprehensive reference for
Microsoft’s VC++ compiler.
Other References
References on the Sony
9-Pin Protocol, used for VTR machine control, are
available on the Internet or by contacting Sony Broadcast and Professional
Company (Division of Sony Corporation).
Customer Support
In the event of questions or problems with Vela Application Programming
Interface methods, materials, or this manual, do not hesitate to contact
Vela Training and Support as follows:
• Phone: (727) 507-5301
• E-mail: [email protected]
• World Wide Web - http://www.vela.com