Appendix C — Filter Manager Error/Status Codes
Filter Manager Error/Status Codes
There was an error setting up the Input profile.
The settings used to config-
ure the input stream is
There was an error setting up the Audio Input
The settings used to config-
ure the Audio input stream
is invalid.
There was an error setting up the Video Input
The settings used to config-
ure the Video input stream
is invalid.
There was an error setting the Output profile in
the writer.
The video settings given may
be invalid or the Windows
Media Format components
are not installed correctly.
There was an error trying to set the filename of
the WMF file.
Verify the filename given is
-554 … -561
There was an error while setting up the Audio
profile for output.
Verify that the Audio Profile
Index in the WMF Registry
key is valid. Verify Windows
Media Format Component
has been installed correctly.
-562 … -571
There was an error while setting up the Audio
profile for output.
Verify that the Video set-
tings in the WMF Registry
key are valid. Verify Win-
dows Media Format Compo-
nent has been installed
There was an error trying to create a Windows
Media Writer object.
Verify Windows Media com-
ponents have been installed
-576 … -578
There was an error trying to configure the
Windows Media Writer object.
Verify Windows Media com-
ponents have been installed
Filter Manager Error/Status Codes (Continued)
Error Code
Table C-1. Filter Manager Error/Status Codes (Continued)