Argus Encoder Family Version 2.6 API Developer’s Guide
if( Video.Open(Settings.hKey(), _T(“IBM Video”)) == TRUE )
Video.SetValue( _T(“BitRate”) , BitRate );
Video.SetValue( _T(“VideoMode”), (VideoMode );
Video.SetValue( _T(“VideoFormat”), m_VideoFormat );
Video.SetValue( _T(“HorizRes”), m_ulHorizRes );
Video.SetValue( _T(“VerticalRes”), m_ulVerticalRes );
Video.SetValue( _T(“Inverse32Flag”), m_bInverse32Flag );
Video.SetValue( _T(“InputType”), m_InputType );
Video.SetValue( _T(“IFrameDistance”), IFrameDistance );
Video.SetValue( _T(“RefFrameDistance”), RefFrame Distance );
Video.SetValue( _T(“ChromaFormat”), m_ChromaSelect );
Video.SetValue( _T(“ClosedGOP”), m_bClosedGOP );
// . . .
For More Information on Registry Control
For more examples of the use of the CRegistry class, review the source code for
the RegCtrlPnl application. In addition to defining CRegistry, this project has a
.cpp file to manage each encoder Windows Registry table. For information
about each of the general, non-Spectrum Registry settings, refer to Appendix A
of this document. Appendix B details Spectrum multi-stream Registry settings.
RegCtrlPnl Typical Screen Shots
When you double-click on RegCtrlPnl.exe, the following tabbed windows will
appear. The windows will appear differently, depending on whether you have a
Spectrum or non-Spectrum encoder. Registry windows for the Spectrum will
have additional tabs for the various secondary streams that are supported.
For either configuration, Registry changes can be made as desired. When a
change in the window is detected, the “Apply” button will become active and
the change can be made permanent by clicking on it. To restore the particular
tabbed section to factory default settings, click the “Set Default” button.