This manual lists programming instructions for every available TLS-3XX Console Setup Function. The manual is
divided into sections for each Setup Function beginning with Section 5, System Setup. Depending on your
console type and its installed features, you may only see (and be able to program) some of the Functions and/or
Steps. Skip over the material in this manual that does not apply to your particular installation. You cannot perform
these setup procedures until the console, probes, and sensors have been installed and connected.
Contractor Certification Requirements
Veeder-Root requires the following minimum training certifications for contractors who will install and setup the
equipment discussed in this manual:
Installer Certification (Level 1):
Contractors holding valid Installer Certification are approved to perform wiring
and conduit routing; equipment mounting; probe, sensor and carbon canister vapor polisher installation; wireless
equipment installation; tank and line preparation; and line leak detector installation.
Technician Certification (Level 2/3):
Contractors holding valid Technician Certifications are approved to
perform installation checkout, startup, programming and operations training, system tests, troubleshooting and
servicing for all Veeder-Root Series Tank Monitoring Systems, including Line Leak Detection. In addition,
Contractors with the following sub-certification designations are approved to perform installation checkout, startup,
programming, system tests, troubleshooting, service techniques and operations training on the designated system.
• Wireless 2
• Tall Tank
VR Vapor Products Certification:
Contractors holding a certification with the following designations are
approved to perform installation checkout, startup, programming, system tests, troubleshooting, service techniques
and operations training on the designated system.
• ISD – In Station Diagnostics
• PMC – Pressure Management Control
• CCVP - Veeder-Root Vapor Polisher
• Wireless – ISD/PMC Wireless
• A current Veeder-Root Technician Certification is a prerequisite for the VR Vapor Products course.
Warranty Registrations
may only be submitted by selected Distributors.
Related Manuals
TLS-3XX Series Consoles Operator’s Manual
TLS-3XX Series Consoles Site Prep Manual
Maintenance Service Code Quick Help