In-Tank Setup
Probe Offset
Probe Offset
If necessary, press STEP until you see the message:
This offset is intended for installations in which the probe is not resting on the bottom of the tank. The value you
enter (the distance off bottom) is continually added to the product height, but only to the water height when the
water float exceeds a minimum level. The allowable range is -144.0 to +144.0 inches (-3657.6 to +3657.6 mm);
the default value is 0 inches.
Siphon Manifolded Tank Status
If necessary, press STEP until you see the message:
This entry tells the system which tanks are siphon manifolded together (see Figure 7-2), allowing the system to
provide cumulative volume information on product stored in a siphon manifolded tank set. You only need to enter
this information for one of the tanks in the set. The system automatically enters the information for the other tank(s)
in the set.
Figure 7-2. Siphon Manifolded Tanks
For example, if you are entering setup information for Tank #1 as in the figure, and it is manifolded with Tank #2,
you would press CHANGE until 02 appears (you would press the Right-Arrow key to move to the next field if
another tank were in the group, then press CHANGE until that tank’s number appeared). Press ENTER when you
are done making these changes. (Since you are connecting tanks 1 and 2 in this example, you would just STEP
past this procedure when you are entering the setup for tank 2 (and any additional tank in the set).
Legend for numbered boxes:
1. To dispenser
3. T1
2. Pump
4. T2
T1: (Product Label)
PROBE OFFSET: +0000.00
T#: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00