Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Safety Systems
Before starting the machine, all the protection devices have to be placed and they have to be prepared
to work correctly.
The machine V2 full fills all the requirements of the European Safety Regulations for
construction machines, for this reason the machine has two safety systems: one opening the grill and
the other when taking out the grill from the hopper.
The mixer has an incorporated safety system that in the moment of emptying the
mixer in order to put the material inside the hopper, the mixer paddles stop immediately. This safety
system has to be checked and always be under perfect operating conditions.
The hopper is protected by a grill which avoids entering any part of the human body.
In case that the grill is removed, there is a safety system that stops the pump motor immediately.
Do not try to get passed the safety grill!
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 -