Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Blockage in the mortar hose:
1. No material is being transported.
2. The manometer (if there is any) in the end of the pump doesn't show any pressure.
3. The manometer in the end of the pump (if there is any) indicates the maximum pressure.
Proceed in the following way:
• Allow the transport shaft work backwards for a while to lessen the pressure in the material release.
• Stop the transport shaft.
• Disconnect the motor.
• Unhook the transport hose.
• Introduce a water hose in the transport hose and rinse it well; at the same time hit the hose part by
part to locate the jam. Clean the hose this way and in all its longitude and allow all the water to come
• Connect the hoses again and connect them to the machine.
• Pump water and cement mix first through the clean hose.
• Fill up the mix deposit again and continue working.
Failures in the machine
If the diesel motor stops working it is due to the following failures, which are identified by the control
lights in the machine’s panel:
- Oil pressure: oil pressure is too low.
- Oil ‘s temperature: motor temperature too high.
- Temperature of water in radiator: motor temperature too high.
It is necessary to eliminate the failure immediately.
In the control panel of the machine you will find another series of warning lights, but they don't cause
the emergency stop of the diesel motor:
- Air filter: Accumulated dirt in the air filter.
Advice for working in winter
If there are difficulties to work because of low temperatures, it is a good chance to take the machine
for maintenance and repairs. Make the annual revision in an authorized shop.
• Up to 0 ºC it is guaranteed an operation of the machine without difficulties. If the
temperature reaches below the freezing point, keep in mind the following:
• Prepare the working place and the material in an appropriate way.
• Do not use frozen material.
• Use only as fuel diesel suitable for winter! Due to special preservatives this diesel stays fluid in low
temperatures. The diesel fuel used in summer freezes under low temperatures and blocks the
• Use motor oil whose viscosity responds to the external temperature.
• If the temperatures are extreme, it is recommended to disassemble the battery at night and keep it in a
warm place. Install the battery again little before the starting of the machine.
• For the non maintenance-free batteries, keep in mind the correct acid level
(10 to 15 mm above the upper edge of the plate) and the appropriate density!
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk