Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
The battery can form explosive gases. It is necessary to avoid the formation of sparks or
open fire near the battery. The acid of the battery is caustic and it cannot touch the skin or the clothes.
• Wear protection glasses when working with the battery. Do not deposit tools on the battery. Keep the
battery dry and clean. Try to keep the level of the electrolyte in the marked level, or that the liquid is
10 to 15 mm above on the lead boards of the cells.
• Use only distilled water.
• Oil the contacts with Vaseline or grease for the terminals free of acid.
• If the machine will be kept stored during a longer period, disassemble the battery and
load it regularly.
Back pilots and connection
Control the operation of the lighting equipment before carrying out the displacement of the
machine. Change the faulty bulbs immediately.
7.11 Tires and suspension axis
If the machine will not be used during a long period of time, lift it up with some supports to prevent a
deformation of the tires.
Lubricate all the mobile pieces that are found in the frame and spray the machine with
preservative liquid.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk