Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Safety measures according to indication
The manual of instructions has to be kept near the machine. Also, besides the manual of instructions,
local regulations on the prevention of accidents and the protection of the environment have to be
available and taken into account.
All the safety and danger indications placed in the machine have to be kept in readable state, and
when necessary, renovate them.
Safety measures in the operation
Please, start the machine only if all the protection devices work completely; make sure of it before
plugging it, since no person should be in danger.
Check at least once a day if in the machine there is some external damage and if the protection devices
work perfectly.
Revision and maintenance
• Carry out the adjusting, maintenance and inspection within the time established. The flexible rubber
tubes with their couplings are subjected to a natural wear process for close contact and aging. It is
recommended that the machine is checked by a specialist (at least every 3 months) keep the machine in
good shape. Write down the revisions in checking list included in the attachment.
• Disconnect the machine in all the maintenance works, inspections and repairs carried out and make
sure that the machine doesn't start up involuntarily.
• Place a warning note so that an involuntary connection doesn't take place.
• Make sure that all the screws are fixed correctly. Check the correct operation of the safety devices
after the maintenance works are done.
Mechanical changes in the machine
carry out without previous authorization of the manufacturer any installation change or
alterations in the machine. All the alterations need an authorization in writing of the company
Technologies, S.L.
All parts that are not in perfect state should be changed immediately. Use only original spare and wear
parts. In the case of use of non original parts, the company UTIFORM does not guarantee that these
components are fabricated in a resistant and secure way.
Cleaning of the machine
Keep the machine clean. Use an ecological machine protector. Use and evacuate the substances and
used materials, mainly:
• in works carried out with oiling systems and hydraulic facilities and
• in the cleaning with solvents.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk