Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Weekly maintenance (every 40 hours of operation)
• Control the transmission belt of the compressor and the alternator, and if necessary, change them.
• Check the air, motor and compressor filters, and if it was necessary, clean them or
change them.
• Control the tires’ pressure.
Biannual maintenance (every 500 hours of operation)
Due this period, it is necessary to carry out all the works that correspond to the weekly maintenance,
and also:
• Check the distribution belts, and if it was necessary, change them.
• Check the tightness of the diesel motor.
• Change the motor oil and the oil filter.*
• Change the fuel filter.*
• Check the axial backlash of the wheels.
• Check the battery and its connections.
*See the manual of instructions of the diesel motor.
Biannual maintenance (every 1000 hours of operation)
Due this period, it is necessary to carry out all the works that correspond to the biannual maintenance,
and also:
• Take the machine to the annual revision to one of the UTIFORM shops.
Storage of the machine
Make all the maintenance works in a shop authorized by UTIFORM before storing the machine.
• Deposit the machine in a dry and clean place.
• The storage should not go over a period of 3 months. If it is a longer period it is necessary to take
additional measures of protection.
These measures have to be in the following way:
• Clean the machine with a high-pressure cleaner.
• Eliminate strong inlays of oil in the interior with a motor cleaner product.
• Check the motor, as it is described in the enclosed maker's manual.
• Start the motor until it is hot and then stop it.
• Clean the oil filter, if necessary.
• Fill up with an anticorrosive oil instead of normal motor oil.
• Empty the fuel in the tank.
• Fill up the tank again with a mixture of 90% diesel fuel and 10% of anticorrosive oil.
• Start the motor for about 10 minutes.
• Stop the motor.
• Rotate the motor manually several times to keep the cylinders and the combustion cameras.
• Disassemble the transmission belts and keep them with the appropriate packing.
• Spray the scratches of the pulley for trapezoidal belt with an anticorrosive conservator.
• Close the opening of the motor’s air aspiration of the blow pipe.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk