Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Mixture preparation and pumping
Check that the mixer is fixed correctly. Fill up the mixer with material according to the
necessities or according to the manufacturer’s advice.
Connect the mixer with the control switch.
Before beginning with the pumping you should fill the hopper first with some 10-20 l of water cement
mix to avoid unexpected jams inside the hoses.
Next, you can start the pumping; in order to do this, you should connect the pump using the switch in
the electric box. When there is no water cement mix left in the hopper, it will be filled with the blended
material coming from the mixer.
The mixer’s turn speed as well as pumping are adjustable using the assigned flow regulators; they
located in the inferior part of the control box.
To get a proper mix, the pumping revolutions “speed” can be adjusted at any moment by the operator.
Important Warning!
Feed the hopper continuously and let the machine work.
Never let the machine work with the hopper full with material during long periods! This
would cause the sedimentation of the materials and the possibility that the pump would jam.
Never let the pump work dry, it would produce waste and damage of the rotor or stator.
Mortar spraying
In the spray gun’s air entrance you will find a spherical key which regulates
the quantity of air.
The spraying quality can be adjusted in order to have a closer or open flow, only by regulating the
position of the spray nozzle.
When opening the air valve in the spray gun, the air begins to come out from the nozzle; at this time,
the pump begins to pump material through the hose. First, the water cement mix comes out and is
pumped into a bucket until the mortar starts to come; as soon as the mortar begins to come out through
the spray gun, the spraying can begin.
The spraying gun should always be taken with slow movements the closest possible to the wall, a
normal distance is approx. 20 cm.
Try to direct the mortar flow slightly up. If the handling is correct, there will be no waste of material.
Start and stop of the machine
Start and stop of the machine can be carried out in two different ways, according to the remote control
a) Pneumatic remote control.
In this case, the control can be carried out from the spray gun. You need a belt driven compressor in
the machine.
Connect an end of the air hose of 1/2" (article number 38051 to 38053) to the machine’s air exit,
prepared in the front part, spreading it without any bending along the mortar hose. Connect the
spraying gun with the other end free of the air hose and with the mortar hose and close the air switch.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk